Call to Order
Roll Call of Members
Mayor Frazier called the regular City Council meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 30, 2024 in Council Chambers, City Hall. Roll call was taken to verify the presence of Council members Steve Strand, Kevin Ballard, Curt Markgraf, Steve Foster and Mayor Brent E. Frazier.
Welcoming Remarks
The Mayor welcomed all attendees, including those joining via Zoom, and noted the meetings are available on YouTube and local cable Channel 14 and provided announcements about upcoming events and meetings.
Pledge of Allegiance
Attendees stood for the Pledge of Allegiance.
Citizen’s Comments
There were no citizen comments as no one in attendance wished to speak on non-agenda items.
Additions / Deletions to Agenda
The agenda was expanded with the additions of the CEDA Annual Meeting, the Minnesota Housing Partnership MOU under item 12, as well as an addition under item number 20 for Park Board Discussions.
"I move to approve the agenda with the additions of the bullet points of CEDA Annual Meeting and the Minnesota Housing Partnership MOU and the addition 20 Park Board Discussions." Approved unanimously. Strand moved, Ballard seconded.
Approval of Consent Agenda
The consent agenda consisting of the approval of Council minutes, accounts payable listing, park board minutes, liquor store report, utility report, and to approve a Gambling Permit for the Pelican Rapids Chamber of Commerce for July 13, 2024.
"Motion to approve the consent agenda." Approved unanimously. Markgraf moved, Foster seconded.
Tax Abatement – Public Hearing 4:35 pm
The public hearing on tax abatement for a new house construction on 924 Maplewood Drive by Tammy Bakken was held. After confirming there were no questions from the public or Council members, the motion was made to approve the abatement following the closure of the public hearing.
Resolution No. 2024-07 Approving Property Tax Abatements
Resolution 2024-07 was presented; APPROVING PROPERTY TAX ABATEMENTS (A complete text of this resolution is part of permanent public record in the City Clerk’s office.)
"I move to adopt Resolution 2024-07." Motion passed and resolution declared duly adopted, by Markgraf, seconded by Strand.
Industrial Parking Lot – Gerry Henry
Gerry Henry claimed an easement was provided to him when he purchased city property in the Industrial Park because the easement allowed access to the property, which was crucial for Henry's business operations. Gerry Henry made a request to continue this easement. There is no record of an easement. City Attorney Lindsay Forsgren advised Council that this matter was between property owners and the City should not intervene.
Park Board – Kate Martinez
Kate Martinez, Park Board, provided an update on the organization's activities and its involvement on the naming of the northwest playground. The winning name was submitted by B Hanson & I Saric, Unity Park.
"I'll move to approve." Approved unanimously. Ballard moved, Foster seconded for the naming of the playground, Unity Park.
The Soccer Association also wants to apply for a $25,000 grant for Thompson Field for a swing set and two soccer goals using the City as a host for the grant.
"I'll move to approve the city to be the fiscal host for the Soccer Association grant." Approved unanimously. Ballard moved, Markgraf seconded.
West Central Initiative – Rick Schara
Rick Schara from West Central Initiative provided an informative update on the organization's activities and its involvement in Pelican Rapids projects. He highlighted upcoming events and funding opportunities that could benefit the city, emphasizing leadership training and climate action efforts.
Pelican Fest – Lana Grefsrud
Lana Grefsrud from Pelican Fest sought the Council's approval for two Pelican Fest initiatives: adopting a proposed new parade route due to the construction on Broadway, and using the city hall parking lot as a pickup point for festival shuttle services.
"I'll move to approve the parade route and the shuttles from City hall parking lot." Approved unanimously. Foster moved, Markgraf seconded.
Fire Department
Fire Chief Shad Hanson requested Council approval to purchase a new trailer for the Fire Department, using $5,000 from the combination of the relief association and proceeds from the sale of the old trailer. Additionally, Lucas Albright was approved for hire as a new firefighter after a background check verified no disqualifying criteria.
"I'll move to approve." Approved unanimously. Markgraf moved, Strand seconded for the trailer. "I'll move to approve." Approved unanimously. Strand moved, Markgraf seconded for the new hire.
Apex Engineering – Pinewood Estates - Bob Schlieman
Apex Engineering, represented by Bob Schlieman, detailed the Pinewood Estates Development project Task Order No. 10 and the resulting bids. In addition, the Council was asked to decide on supporting the installation of a deeper sanitary sewer system endorsing future development capabilities. After discussion, the Council agreed to move forward with the enhanced sewer system despite additional costs.
“I’ll move to approve Task Order No. 10 for agreement between owner and engineer for Pinewood Estates.” Approved Unanimously. Ballard moved, Strand seconded.
"I'll move we approve the installation of a deeper sanitary sewer system." Approved unanimously. Strand moved, Markgraf seconded.
Downtown Tree Lighting Conduit
The Council considered the possibility of laying conduit for future tree lighting during the street reconstruction project; however, due to timing and cost uncertainties, they decided to delay a decision until more information was available.
EDA Update – Jordan Grossman
Jordan Grossman presented a series of updates related to the EDA along with an invite to the CEDA annual meeting held May 15, 2024 in Blue Earth.
"I'll move to approve the EDA By-Laws." Approved unanimously. Ballard moved, Strand seconded.
HCH Update – Proposal
"I'll move to approve the Brew Haven proposal and the money for water and sewer and the rest of it for building updates up to $24,000." Approved unanimously. Foster moved, Ballard seconded.
MWC Advertising Proposal
"I'll move to approve the proposed advertising proposal of $5,100 with half coming from EDA and half coming from the liquor store funds." Approved unanimously. Ballard moved, Markgraf seconded.
Business Mini Grant Program
"I'll move to approve the proposed mini grant program." Approved unanimously. Strand moved, Ballard seconded.
Find Your Path Payment Request
"I'll move to approve the Find Your path Payment request in the amount of $5,000 from EDA funds." Approved unanimously. Foster moved, Markgraf seconded.
Minnesota Housing Partnership (MOU)
"I'll move to approve the MOU as presented." Approved unanimously. Ballard moved, Strand seconded.
Police – Todd Quaintance
Police Chief Todd Quaintance requested approval on policies for mobile video recorders and portable audio and video recorders, emphasizing their use and retention periods. Furthermore, he initiated a discussion about potentially updating parking fine amounts. The Council confirmed their contentment with the current fine and agreed to the use of body and squad car cameras. Quaintance discussed putting the north siren on the budget for 2025 as it not working.
"I move to approve both the mobile and portable video recorder policies." Approved unanimously. Ballard moved, Strand seconded.
Beer Truck Ordinance Discussion
The Council contemplated the possibility of updating the city ordinance to allow beer trucks to operate during local events. Understanding the positive impact this could have on community festivities, they agreed to move forward in exploring changes to the existing ordinance.
"I’ll make the motion to change the ordinance." Approved unanimously. Frasier moved, Ballard seconded.
PRAC Pay Request
A pay request from Hammers Construction for completed work on the Pelican Rapids Aquatic Center was presented and approved by the Council without further comments.
"I approve to pay Hammers pay request number 9 in the amount submitted." Approved unanimously. Ballard moved, Strand seconded.
Council Chambers Meeting Room Policy
An updated policy for the use of the city hall meeting room was discussed, with modifications suggested to restrict room usage within city hall business hours only, considering security concerns. The policy will be revised and brought back for review.
Administrator Report
Administrator Roisum reported that since the last City Council meeting he has; worked with Clerk and Mayor to set Council agenda and prepped for the meeting, attended an EDC and EDA meeting, attended a supervisor training provided by the Village on Constructive Performance Reviews, coordinated the Rave Alert for the statewide tornado drill, attended the Local Board of Review and Equalization meeting, met with Apex Engineering, MnDOT, and Landwehr Construction about the city utilities associated with the 59/108 project, attended two housing study introductory meetings, met with Mayor Frazier and Greg Stang of PeopleService and discussed water and sewer treatment plant issues, attended a pool construction meeting, completed the City Hall meeting room policy, attended Hwy 59/108 construction meetings and open houses, attended a safety committee meeting and participated in CPR/AED training, attended the Pinewood Estates bid opening, attended with Chief Quaintance the Emergency Management Summit in Perham, met with DNR officials about kayak landings in the parks, attended the Multi-Use Building open house, worked with Apex Engineering, Otter Tail Power, and MnDOT on issues related to installing outlets in downtown tree grates as part of the construction project, and contacted Maguire Iron about the water tower wash.
Mayor Report
Mayor Frazier reported that since the last city council meeting he has; submitted weekly columns to the Pelican Press, visited with businesses and non-profits, attended a “2024-2025 Pelican Rapids Complete Streets” Utility Meeting at City Hall on April 11, presided over the Local Board of Review & Equalization Meeting at City Hall on April 11, attended the April 11 EDA Meeting at City Hall, attended the Technical Assistance Needs Assessment Meeting (for housing) on April 15 at City Hall, met with Administrator Roisum and Greg Stang of PeopleService on April 16 at City Hall regarding the needs and maintenance schedule for equipment at the WWTF, attended the “2024-2025 Pelican Rapids Complete Streets” Open House on April 16 at the Pelican Rapids Public Library, attended the Pelican Rapids Complete Streets Project Staff Meetings of April 17 and April 24, attend the Pinewood Estates Bid Opening on April 17 at City Hall, attended a CEDA Housing Meeting on April 22 at City Hall, presided over the April 24 Pelican Rapids Complete Streets Project Public Meeting at the Library, attended the Multi-Use Building Open House at Chauncey Martin Sports Complex with Administrator Roisum on April 25, attended and spoke congratulations to recipients of the Otter Tail County Sheriff’s Office Life Savings Award on April 25 at the Fire Hall, conducted a Conversations with the Mayor session at Historic City Hall on April 26, met with Administrator Roisum on April 29 to plan the agenda for this afternoons’ meeting and attended and spoke greetings at the Viking Elementary School DARE Graduation Ceremony on April 30.
With no further items to discuss, a motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 6:45 p.m.
"We have a motion to adjourn." Approved unanimously. Strand moved, Markgraf seconded.
Patty Hensel
Utility Clerk
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