April 25, 2024

The Pelican Rapids Board of Education held a regular meeting on March 18, 2024 in the conference room at the high school at 6:00 p.m.. Board members present: Molly Welch, Jon Karger, Anne Peterson, Staci Allmaras, and Brenda Olson via MicrosoftTeams.

Board Members Absent: Greg Larson

Student Representatives present: Eduardo Sanchez & Ellie Welch

Student Representatives absent: None

Others Present: Brian Korf, Rudy Martinez, Laura Januszewki, Emily Evenson, Derrick Nelson, PJ Breen, Kim Nelson, Heidi Isaman, Amy Korf, Cary Haugrud, and Cody Shaffer.

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. and the pledge of allegiance was led by Vice-Chair, Anne Peterson.

Staci Allmaras moved to approve the meeting agenda. The motion was seconded by Anne Peterson and carried, upon a vote being taken. The following voted in favor: Brenda Olson, Molly Welch, Staci Allmaras, and Anne Peterson. The following voted against: None.


Channel 2 Staff - Live Streaming Events

Winter Advisors/Coaches & Athletes/Participants


A. District Goal #2 Mrs. Isaman, Mrs. Nelson & Mr. Shaffer (District Goal #2: 75% of 3rd-8th graders meet/exceed on MCA or show a 50 SGP (student growth percentile) from their fall STAR reading/math test to the spring STAR reading/math test.)

Administrative reports

A. Elementary Principal / AD Mr. Derrick Nelson

B. High School Principal Mrs. Laura Januszewski

C. Student School Board Representatives Mr. Eduardo Sanchez & Ms. Ellie Welch

D. Finance Director Mr. Rudy Martinez

E. Superintendent Mr. Brian Korf

Anne Peterson moved to approve the consent agenda consisting of the following items:

A. Approve board minutes - February 21, 2024 Regular School Board Meeting

B. Financial claims - February bills

C. Treasurer’s report

D. Accept Donations: Student Accounts - $80 - Laura Klimek; Viking Butikk - $80 - Laura Klimek; PRHS Scholarship Fund in Memory of Earl Trosvik - $20 - Lisa Petznick; PRHS Scholarship Fund in Memory of Jim Weiss $90 - Linda Weiss, $50 - Bonnie Mohs; Rex & Linda Haugen Scholarship Fund - $5125 - Multiple Anonymous Donors; PRHS Scholarship Fund - $50 - Bonnie McGregor; Pelican Dental Health Professions Scholarship - $1000 - Dr. Daniel Ditch; Celebration of Cultures - $300 - Park Region Co-op

E. Personnel: Approve the resignation of Ellie Nettestad as Special Education Paraprofessional at PRHS; Approve the hire of Tosha Vogel as Special Education Paraprofessional at PRHS

F. Approve the following lane change requests: Denise Borgen BA+30 to BA+40; Andy Johnson BA+10 to BA+20; Charla Seter BA+10 to BA+20; Rachelle Sjolie MA to MA+10

The motion was seconded by Molly Welch and carried, upon a vote being taken.The following voted in favor: Brenda Olson, Staci Allmaras, Anne Peterson, Molly Welch, and Jon Karger. The following voted against: None.

Anne Peterson made a motion to approve the Achievement and Integration Budget. The motion was seconded by Staci Allmaras and carried. upon a vote being taken. The following voted in favor: Brenda Olson, Staci Allmaras, Anne Peterson, Molly Welch, and Jon Karger. The following voted against: None.

Anne Peterson made a motion to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Staci Allmaras and carried, upon a vote being taken. The following voted in favor: Brenda Olson, Staci Allmaras, Anne Peterson, Molly Welch, and Jon Karger. The following voted against: None.

Jon Karger, Chair

Brenda Olson, Clerk
